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  • India's first factory made CSEB Blocks.

    Pioneers in converting soil to CSEB since 2016

    Solutions for a better tomorrow !

  • Laying the foundation for a sustainable future!

    Pioneers in converting soil to CSEB since 2016

    Solutions for a better tomorrow !

  • Striving to build the world of tomorrow, Today!

    Pioneers in converting soil to CSEB since 2016

    Solutions for a better tomorrow !

Live Better! Feel Better!

What are Earth Blocks?

Earth Blocks are high-quality building materials made from compressing the right mix of soil with 6-9% cement, based on the mix design. 

Earth Blocks are also referred to as Compressed Stabilized Earth Blocks (CSEB) or Compressed Earth Blocks (CEB) or Compressed Soil Mud Blocks (CSMB). Earth Blocks are stabilized with Cement.

CSEB - Benefits

  • Creates superior indoor environments
  • Earth Block structures are warm, solid, and quiet.
  • Environmentally sound
  • Earth Block structures can use up to 20 to 30% less energy to heat and cool than concrete block structures.
  • Dirt is a renewable resource that is plentiful.
  • Earth Blocks take very little energy to make compared to the extreme heat necessary to make cement based blocks & the firing process required to make clay bricks.
  • Earth Block walls are sound proof, fire proof, bug proof, and mold proof.
  • Since the blocks are made from natural materials they do not out-gas any toxic chemicals like most conventional building components.
  • Long lasting , Earthen homes have been around for thousands of years. Earth Blocks will stand the test of time.

Why Choose Earth Blocks 

Strong & Durable

CSEBs produced by us are high-quality building materials and far exceed the strength requirements stipulated by the Indian Standards. Earth Blocks are far superior in quality & strength than locally made country fired bricks.


Embodied energy and carbon emissions of Earth Blocks is lesser by 10 and 12 times, when compared with country fired bricks.The energyy efficiency of homes with Earth Blocks reduces the overall environmental impact after construction also


Earth Blocks are one of the few building materials which do not emit toxic gases. Relative humidity levels in Earthen buildings increase indoor air quality. This regulation of humidity greatly increases indoor air quality which is the cause of many common illnesses often attributed to the change in seasons.

Zero Waste

Once a home made from compressed earth blocks needs to be torn down after a lifetime of use, the walls' materials will reintegrate into the earth from where they came,drastically reducing amount of construction waste. In this context, earthen blocks can be considered a cradle-to-cradle product.


Soil is the abundantly available and oldest building material known to man. Humans have been living in Earthen Dwellings since the beginning of time. Earth Blocks reinforce this traditional building material by engineering them for modern times


A house built with Earth Blocks offer a perfect blend of sustainability, strength, and style, making them an attractive option for those looking for an eco-friendly and beautiful living space!

Costs less to build and maintain

Building with compressed earth blocks offers a cost-effective solution for eco-friendly construction, reducing both initial and long-term costs while providing a sustainable and durable living space.

Thermal Mass

Earthblock walls offer excellent thermal mass, enabling passive solar heating and cooling regulation, and reducing heating and cooling loads. Additionally, the high clay and soil content allows the walls to "breathe," naturally regulating indoor humidity levels and improving indoor air quality.